Because you make things with WordPress


Brad Frost’s This is Responsive


New to responsive design and need to understand the background, rationale, and theories that underpin it? Looking to augment your responsive design kit bag with patterns for layout, media, forms, images, navigation, and more? Look no further than This is Responsive by Brad Frost.

Quick Overview
No matter whether you published “Hello, world!” for the first time yesterday, or have designed for the web since Compuserve was a thing, you’ll benefit from Brad Frost’s collection of responsive goodies. This is Responsive offers background knowledge to make you even smarter, patterns you can grab and apply in your next project, and news to keep you up-to-date on the world of responsive design.

Image based on try to fit in by Adam_T4, CC-BY-2.0.


Krista Stevens

I'm a runner, reader, writer, and editor.

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